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Powerwatch Forums - View Thread - EMF fields on town centre property

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EMF fields on town centre property

Post Time: 03/07/2008 21:44:07
Total Forum Posts: 2
We currently live in a town centre and are within 100m of several phone masts (including police station tetra mast), have a large substation at the end of next door's garden and electricity pylons within 150m. We have seen a house in the next road which adds another 100m to distance from substation and some of the phone masts but no additional distance from pylons or tetra mast. I did measure the fields in our house after my son was born 10 years ago and they seemed to be within acceptable levels but I assume there were a lot fewer phone masts then.
My son suffers nosebleeds regularly, my husband has very erratic sleep patterns (sometimes only sleeping for a couple of hours) and I suffered recurrent miscarriages, although these could all, of course, be attributed to other causes than EMF exposure - we will never know. My gut instinct is to move much further away from the pylons and the masts, although a quick search on a phone mast location site would give the impression that it is impossible in this area (NW Surrey, near Heathrow) to be more than a few hundred metres from a phone mast. The house is otherwise perfect and there seems to be no reduction in the ridiculously high house prices apart from those directly under the powerlines. If we wanted to get the fields measured in the house, would a surveyor be able to do this as part of their work? Also, any views on living so close to so many EMF sources? Thanks.
Post Time: 10/07/2008 09:22:54
Total Forum Posts: 48
You could organise an EMF survey through us if you like - that way it would be guaranteed to cover exactly these issues. A "traditional" survey (as in for sale of houses) would not cover them.

You might also look at hiring some instruments to be able to do it yourself (it's a lot cheaper!). Instrument hire from EMFields comes with full instructions and guidelines on what is believed to be safe levels, and if you have any problems, a phone call can help :)

My personal view on living close to so many sources of EMF (and I'm not sensitive, just precautious) is that I would not like to - however moving futher away may not be possible.

I'm assuming that other causes for the nosebleeds/sleep problems/miscarriages have been ruled out? It is always worth making sure, because, as you correctly state, they could be attributed to other causes - EMF is a potential hazard, but it's not responsible for *all* the ills of modern society :)