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Powerwatch Forums - View Thread - Lithium and electromagnetic fields

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Lithium and electromagnetic fields

Post Time: 16/03/2009 09:37:42
Total Forum Posts: 10
I noticed in one of your articles that lithium (antidepressant) is more potent when in the presence of electromagnetic fields. Do you have any more information about this or references? I have a friend who is on lithium but has had problems with side effects when driving and I wondered whether there could be a connection? I appreciate any information that you can give.

Post Time: 17/03/2009 00:37:46
Total Forum Posts: 173
I can't remember or find where we (probably me) say that Lithium is more potent in the presence of EMFs. Please can you point me to where we say that, please? If you do that I will follow it through and investigate.

Lithium (like Calcium, Potassium and some ions) have nuclear magnetic resonances (e.g. Larmour resonance) in the Earth's geomagnetic field at and around power-frequencies. This was one theoretical pathway and there is good experimental evidence of the resonances, but not of any proven directly resulting effects on well-being, as far as I know.

Lithium is involved with the uptake and use of serotonin and associated neurotransmitters (hence the affects on mood). The synthesis in humans of many of these neurotransmitters, including melatonin, are affected by power-frequency magnetic fields. There may be a link with Lithium - I do not know.

An excellent read is: "Rhythms of Life: The Biological Clocks that Control the Daily Lives of Every Living Thing" by Russell Foster and Leon Kreitzman (2004). This explains how light at night (and probably EMFs at night) affect our well-being and mood.

Some cars have very high EMFs and it might be worth measuring these in your friend's car. Some makes are worse (especially those with the battery in the rear but the engine in the front), but sometimes the fields come from rotating magnetised wheels or tyres and these cannot then be predicted from the make and type of the car.


I would certainly suggest that your friend avoids using mobile phones and DECT cordless phones.
Post Time: 17/03/2009 19:41:37
Total Forum Posts: 10
Thank you for your reply. Lithium is mentioned in 'Mobile phone masts and wireless computing' page 81, under Effect of RF radiation on other drugs and medical conditions. You mention 'By giving a minute amount of lithium to the patient and then beaming the right frequency at him, the inactive small amount can be changed into a very active substance'. If you have any more information of where this came from or what effects were measured then that would be very useful. I wondered whether side effects could get worse if you were in a place with fairly high radiofrequency radiation.

Thank you for your help.

Post Time: 23/03/2009 18:45:37
Total Forum Posts: 173
Thanks for the citation, Sarah. I really can't remember this. Most puzzling. I will ask Jean and look back through our notes. I will let you know what I find.
Post Time: 23/03/2009 19:53:25
Total Forum Posts: 10
Thank you.
Post Time: 31/03/2009 13:22:56
Total Forum Posts: 17
I would recommend ....Robert O. Becker's book: Cross Currents. The Book about EMF anf Health.

The picture on the page 237 --> how lithium works with EMF.

The effect seems to have a combination effect: Steady Magnetic Field + Certain Frequency (for example 0,2 Gauss with 60 Hz).




Still, it would be interesting to find more research on this topic. Any more?

