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Powerwatch Forums - View Thread - Geopathic Stress - Credible EMF source?

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Geopathic Stress - Credible EMF source?

Post Time: 11/05/2010 19:37:58
Total Forum Posts: 7
Not sure if this is the right place to ask but was wondering how much credence should you give this topic in relation to assess EMFs in houses, I believe the thinking being weak electromagnetic fields are created by subterranean running water, certain mineral concentrations, fault lines and underground cavities. I am wondering how credible the people here would think this. Although I believe more credence in given to this in other countries I am not sure how seriously I should take it? For instance if you have a terribley bad electrical system would that not trump it in any case. I should add I am in very poor health with known electrical and chem sens and have just moved into a new house so am trying to put into context, cheers
Post Time: 06/07/2010 20:20:27
Total Forum Posts: 14
This is Alasdair on Andrew's old computer.

There is some good evidence of geopathic stress on human and animal health. When large medieval manor houses were to be built the used to put cattle in the field and see when they settled and then build the house there.

In recent times dowsers have scientifically been shown to better diagnose likely sources of DRINKABLE (potable) water than geological surveys (which are better at finding total sources of water).

If you are in poor health, then I would recommend you get a dowser to check that you bed in not above a disturbed area. Also do not have a metal bed frame and preferably do have a foam mattress and not a sprung one. If you have a good quality sprung mattress you can get it demagnetised.

Most people can learn to dowse but many cannot easily determine good from bad energy. Best is to ask the British Society of Dowsers for a recommended person. I have dowsed for over 45 yaers! I was VERY sceptical at first, but over the years have been convinced it is a really useful diagnostic tool.

So "how important". Difficult to answer. For a fully health person, maybe not that important. To a person in poor health then certainly something to take in serious consideration but don't go overboard about.
