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Powerwatch Forums - View Thread - screening paint

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screening paint

Post Time: 06/12/2007 10:02:34
Total Forum Posts: 10
Can you please let me know whether the screening paint that you sell keeps its screening properties over time? Your site mentions concerns about paint from another supplier not being effective after a year. Does the same happen with your paint? If not, are they made from different materials?
Thank you.
Post Time: 06/12/2007 10:14:19
Total Forum Posts: 48
Yes, the paint keeps its screening properties for a lot longer than a year. We're not sure exactly quite how long, as the paint on our walls has been up 3 or so years with no noticeable change in screening. The manufacturers have said basically that the top coat of paint (the paint you usually use to cover the black) will deteriorate and need replacing before the screening properties of the screening paint underneath will.

The paint we mention as not being effective after a year (and in some cases not being very effective at all) is the ECOS nickel based screening paint.

This paint is nickel based, whereas our paint is carbon based. Another big difference (due to the materials used) is that metal-based screening paint (like nickel) reflect pulsed microwave fields - and so you have to be aware of potential "bounce" issues - and carbon based screening paint like the Yshield paint that we sell absorbs the microwave fields, so no issue with reflection.

Hope that helps!