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Powerwatch Forums - View Thread - buying a car not new enough to have bluetooth, but not old enough to die on me

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buying a car not new enough to have bluetooth, but not old enough to die on me

Post Time: 11/05/2008 17:51:35
Total Forum Posts: 22
hello, im peter de biasio a 27 year old law student from leeds who is very electro sensitive, im constanly bugging nick from sensory perspective as for info, as well as brian and sarah dacre as to new questions i face with dealing with having es. My most recent worry is that I drive an 04 astra which once ive i opened the hood makes all sorts of noisys on my smog decector, and from the dashboard, after 1 hour of driving im fried, is this going to be the same in any car because surley im just driving around in a huge metal box with microwaves from masts and every bloody thing else that gives off radiation bouncing aroung inside with me? im looking at a car which is a y reg, would that be ok? i dont want to get one so old i drive off and it falls apart. please could you advise if possible, also I am in the middle of my law exams at the moment but studying eu law for the last year i might have found some legal points in the euro treaty that might mean that not only health and saftey issuse but enviromental issues have to be of the same level between member states which some countys like the uk have ignored in the past but by taking them to the europian court of justice individuals of a member states have used direct effect of directives to get them to amend their levels quite easily, im going to dedicate all my free time this summer reaserching this once my exams are finished, and if need be the rest of my life, once im qualified i will do any legal work on this matter for free (and coming from a future lawyer free is a painfull word) as it has destoyed my life. peter.
Post Time: 11/05/2008 17:53:35
Total Forum Posts: 22
it was meant to say hello at the begining not 'hell'.

Post Time: 20/05/2008 13:50:01
Total Forum Posts: 173
It is very difficuilt to answer this. Some people need to go back to very old (more than 15 years) to find a car that is OK for them. Also, a good car can turn into a bad car after a change of tyres - many new tyres come magnetised (accidentally during the manufacturing processes) - and when rotating as you go along a road they generate ELF and VLF varying magnetic fields inside the car. The tyres have to be degaussed (demagnetised) - unfortunately very few places do this.

Also, you are right to comment on the radiation that comes in from outside. Motorways and busy areas are highly polluted by masts and by people using their mobile phones. Really ES people will need to have their windows covered by suitable thermal films (that also reduce microwave penetration). The whole thing is becoming nightmarish.

So, as regards cars, I suggest that try to get rides in a variety and note which ones affect you least and then try to purchase a similar aged make and model. There is no easy answer.

You can usually disconnect the Bluetooth but not always just simply switch it off. However if a car has Bluetooth, it is also likely that the dashboard is microprocessor driven and will have high-frequency signals. Probably not what you want. Also, ABS systems generally use high magnetic fields in the wheel sensors. Best might to buy and old classic car!

Post Time: 20/05/2008 23:20:15
Total Forum Posts: 22
Thank u for your reply, I saw u on dom jollys programme the other day and was very glad that es was getting a mention on main stream tv, although the comments from the women in the university about the flawed essex studies put a bit of a downer on things. I have already considered getting a film 4 the windows of the car but have had problems with the canopys and stuff where I totally try to 100% sheild myself and then I think anything which does get in(which it is impossible to stop 100%) will just bounce around and make things 10 times worse, is that possible?
the whole thing is becoming totally nightmarish and I cannot believe it is actually all happening sometimes. I thank u for your advice and keep up all the good work. peter. p.s the sound i get from the light switches are like low levels of the sound that a dect phone gives off.
Post Time: 21/05/2008 09:41:26
Total Forum Posts: 48
I would like to comment on the canopies and other shielding. The canopy hung properly with a shielded floor cannot let anything in. Even if anything did, such as the canopy not touching the floor, will only let a fraction of what is out there into the canopy, so it cannot make things worse, it will be shielding you from most of the radiation. Bouncing around doesn't mean getting bigger. The material absorbs the radiation as well as reflecting.
Wndow films in cars are sold usually to reduce visibility from those outside. There are strict regulations about how much light shielding you are allowed to do by law. Not all films will shield against radiofrequency signals, especially those which are sold for light frequency primarily. We have tested many films and none of them have met our spec for protection as yet. When we find one, we will make it available.